There is a very small possibility you might have come across a blog called Beth Abigail before, thats because I did used to write a blog almost exactly the same as this. However to put things simply, after a good couple of years blogging I ran out of inspiration. It wasn't until recently my friends started talking about it again that I decided I wanted to give it another go.
I would have kept my old blog however I want to do a few things differently this time so I thought I may as well start a fresh. I've decided this time I want Beth Abigail to be a bit more laid back, in the way I'm not really going to have a posting schedule and my posts aren't going to be strictly about makeup (as much as I love to write about makeup aha). I feel like by doing this I'll be able to make my content much better and more worthwhile; I won't be running out of ideas and writing about any old thing.
Anyway, enough said. What I guess I'm mainly trying to say is welcome to my new blog and I hope you'll enjoy reading it if you decide to stay around.